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Secrets Of Living A Better Life!

According to a research 90% of peoples are not happy with what’s going on in their life either in monetary terms or in other way. In short, almost everyone is trying to make their life better and comfort and for that they do hard work for hour or sometimes for a whole day to earn something extra to overcome their expenses and make their life comfortable and easy.

I am one of them who work for whole to with the thought that i can earn more to make my life as easy as i want. Some times I’ve been wondering if I am doing the right things or not but the truth is am still not sure if I’m doing either the right things or the things in right way or not. But with life I have learn some important lessons that can help the one make their life comfort and happy. And with this article I am gonna share the things that my life taught me.

Before giving the brief about that here is a side not on what some successful peoples says about themselves. A research says, many successful peoples don’t consider themselves successful, they take it as a word that other peoples used to call them.

It is a cautionary tale that you should be careful for what you wish for, as the saying goes, you might get the things that you wish for. So, before you wish something you’d be sure that you are wishing the right thing on the right stars.

According to a popular saying, Earn until the costly things become the cheapest one for you, no matter if it’s the price of the things or even the respect”.

And if you want to earn some achievements in your life, if you want to live a good & comfortable life, iif you want to do the things that make you different form others. Then you should go in deep and must explore some questions like “why I am doing this?” or “ should I do this? Just because I can!”

Yes, it’s exactly the right thing.

So, here are some things which we call “secrets” of a better and comfort living. When we think about these things we find them a kind of obvious.

Secret#1 Don’t take things for-granted

Sometimes by being lucky or by working hard we get success even at the first attempt, we take ourselves as winners and stop working for next targets or started thinking that we will get success easily like no one is there to compete us. This is the first thing that we should regret to do. As  the saying goes, Don’t stop after your first victory, because if you fail the second one, Many Peoples are ready to say that your victory was just by luck.So, if you want to make you life more beautiful and comfortable, just keep on working hard and love what you are doing.

Secret#2 It’s not just about you

When you were told that if you work for hours, got enough stuff and if you follow the rules then you’d be okay, your life will be more comfortable and happy. But now, I guess you know the truth, when we think to live life with ease or when we risk losing things then we will only find fulfillment. That what a good life is all about.

Secret#3 Passion is not on option

Is not enough to just commit to a task and stick it with the whole life doing it well. You were put on earth to do something, something different. And we all have some dreams in life to be fulfilled but for the we need to be passionate about that, the whole life. Of course, passion alone won’t let you live life smoothly. It will not necessarily give you what you want, but without it, you will die a slow death.

Secret#4 Goals are also so important

Many of us are living our life without any goals, In short, most of peoples have no aims in our life. And to life a comfortable life you must set some goals. As we early said, passion is something we need to be successful but we must remember that only a passion wont give us a better life if our life has no goals.

Secret#5 Just because things are hard to do, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it

Anything worth doing is difficult but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Doing difficult things require courage and strength from you otherwise it’s not probably the worth doing.

For example, nobody goes gym to feel good, they do it to sweat and stretch themselves. If you are going to grow and make your life worth, Life will become the hardest at times.

Secret#6  Fear is not your enemy

Fear is the part of life and we should embrace the fear.  Fear reminds us what is dangerous and why we are looking to avoid the pain
Fear keeps us complaint if we are not doing things with care. It keeps us alive and helps us to do things carefully. A simple rule says, if you not afraid of losing things the you’re probably doing the things in safest manner or you are playing it too safe.

Secret#7 Values are much better than goals.

The best way to keep your life in order is to jump straight to the values. Things including how to do business, treat friends, families and loves ones, everything falls in this category.


Plans are good and goals are important in life. Even Hitler had goals, The Nazis had a well-designed plans but they are not enough for a better life. You have to value your  work, your loved ones in order to make positive in this world.
Secrets Of Living A Better Life! Secrets Of Living A Better Life! Reviewed by Fl9lkNZC on 10:07 Rating: 5

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